Our Mission

Increase the sophistication
of labor markets.

Our Focus

At Revelio Labs, we focus on workforce analytics because we believe organizations and people suffer from a lack of understanding of the world’s talent. Workforce data, unlike financial data, lacks the standardization necessary to develop sophisticated insights. Yet labor markets are the largest and most important markets in the world.

By providing a clear source of workforce information, we see a world where the allocation of human capital is as efficient, transparent, and scientific as the allocation of financial capital, resulting in a more engaged and better performing workforce for everyone.

Revelio Labs is an industry leader in workforce intelligence. Our team of Data Scientists, Economists, and Engineers have the unique expertise to deliver valuable workforce analytics that empower our partners to make actionable, data driven decisions.


Data scientists, economists, and engineers


PhDs and other advanced degrees

Our Work

Revelio Labs uses the most advanced techniques in data science and statistical modeling to provide clean, reliable workforce data.

By ingesting the universe of publicly available online profiles, job postings, employee sentiment reviews, and layoff notices, we've created a standard structure to unify occupations and job titles, skills and activities, and companies and other organizations. Our team of data scientists and engineers use the latest methods in statistical research to address sampling bias, adjust for lags in reporting, and embed corporate structures to create a comprehensive understanding of the labor market.

In addition to delivering this data through our self service products and APIs, we also provide custom research through our team of expert labor economists.

The entire workforce revealed

Harness the world of publicly available data to understand and track the workforce.

Start Free Trial

Trusted by the very best companies


Powering research from

The Economist

Pay-transparency laws do not work as advertised.

Wall Street Journal

Struggling to Find Accountants, Businesses Boost Salary Offers, Hire Temporary Workers

The New York Times

Why Wall Street Is Suddenly Bullish on Work-Life Balance

Yahoo Finance

Crypto space ‘a really easy place to recruit talent,’ Revelio Labs CEO says


Exxon’s Exodus: Employees Have Finally Had Enough of Its Toxic Culture


Barclays analyst: Companies that pay lower minimum wages underperform


Netflix's Layoffs and Worker Ultimatum Lead It into the Culture Wars

Business Insider

Tech companies spoiled workers for decades. Now layoffs are bringing them down to Earth.

The Washington Post

America’s offices are now half-full. They may not get much fuller.


Big tech layoffs may further disrupt equity and diversity efforts

Ready to explore the
world’s workforce?