How Does Your Company Compare To Your Competitors?

by Revelio LabsDecember 14, 2021

A company's leadership responsibility is to balance organizational needs with employee needs. Businesses are also beginning to realize the resources of leveraging workforce intelligence to help outperform competitors. Below is an overview of how comparing your company to other similar companies can increase your competitive edge.

Comparing Workforce Intelligence Strategies

Intelligence on employee data, patterns, and behavior provides vital metrics and insights into various activities. The leadership can analyze the data to improve, automate and design business models. Such analysis can also yield insights required to capitalize on the best opportunities and create a better work experience.

A company executive team should examine how competitors leverage workforce intelligence data to initiate changes. The leadership team can also review existing strategies and the measures competitors use to collect and analyze employee data. The goal is to maximize insights from the metrics.

Modern organizations use big data analytics, paid software, and third-party workforce intelligence labs. Working with the experts lessens the effort of gathering and sifting through employee data. The executive team can emulate practices and competitor strategies to unlock the massive opportunities hidden in workforce data.

Analyzing Workforce Skill Set

Companies need explicit skill sets to operate. Analyzing evolving employee skill sets can help the company identify and hire the right talents for growth and business competitiveness.

Companies should review the competitive talent landscape for insight into market rates and what's required for capturing high-quality talents. Comparing workforce skillsets to competitors can also inform compensation strategies, aligning company goals with current market rates.

Workforce skillset reviews show skill evolution and skill gaps, allowing the HR team to address issues before they arise. HR can also use data to develop long-term strategies to meet organization growth projections without overspending on talent acquisition.

Comparing HR Hiring Procedures

Hiring teams can use human resource databases and records to review the hiring patterns of their competitors. Conclusions drawn from such reviews are vital in forging better policies for their recruitment process. Getting talented individuals is a challenge for most organizations. The HR team can refine competitor measures to streamline their process.

Most companies spend too much or too little on recruitment. Both extremes come with adverse consequences on short-term and long-term objectives. Looking up what other businesses are doing can help shape specific decisions.

Leadership teams can also benchmark budgets and strategy updates for a more efficient hiring process.

Leadership teams should ensure the company has enough talents coming in to replace retiring employees and staff on leave. The department can also analyze and compare data to identify and address issues in the hiring strategy. Human resource department’s priority is to acquire highly skilled individuals using the least effort.

Workforce Training and Growth Investments

Employee training is an effective strategy organizations can use to guarantee robust skills needed to run the company. Leadeership teams can compare competitors' training and growth strategies to identify the right investment opportunities and increase employee value.

Organizations can review millions of records to determine how to pursue on-site training and other growth-oriented investments. Workforce training and growth comparisons also allow leadership teams to set budgets, implement performance monitoring and track employee growth.

Our goal is to leverage all tools competitors use to gain an edge. Human resource departments should customize their approaches to offer valuable training and spur employee growth. The company can also invest in a specific employee, preparing them for higher-level positions for business continuity.

Employee Benefits Packages and Incentives

Benefits and values are among the top mentions in employee reviews. Companies can analyze employee benefit records to help adjust company packages and offer a better incentive for its workforce. Popular benefits include health insurance, vacation packages, commuter benefits, and on-site facilities.

Comparing benefits packages against competitor programs can identify gaps and opportunities to deliver a more attractive proposition for talents. The manager’s role is to design packages with more value and incentives without compromising company objectives, turnover and activities.

Businesses use unique ways to incentivize employees, and reviewing what works for successful competitors can help inform future strategies. Each package should offer value to the employees. The leadership team should also find ways to ensure the new plans and benefits remain cost-effective.

Reviewing Workforce Diversity

Intelligence data and databases can reveal how competitors construct their workforce. Companies can examine the different groups of employees and what each brings to the company. Organizations can also access massive actionable data concerning workforce diversity, including finding the right talents from existing pools.

What competitors have can serve as a benchmark, but each organization has unique needs. The executive team should keep tabs on existing regulations and market patterns to maintain a competitive edge. The goal is to proactively ensure healthy diversity and benefits from talents across the broader pool of employees.

At the Revelio Labs, we provide workforce intelligence to small and medium organizations looking to leverage standardized public employment records. Our workforce intelligence software can be used to review any competitor's workforce composition and trends.