With Revelio Labs and SourceWhale, recruiters get more time for strategy and sales. Flexibly search through the worldwide workforce to find candidates with unique combinations of characteristics. Send top talent and contact data to SourceWhale contacts or active campaigns.
Revelio Labs Talent Discovery sources from multiple global talent networks. Powerful, dynamic filters find candidates based on candidate characteristics and exclusive data points like Salary, Prestige, Remote Suitability, and more. Send the candidates and contact information to SourceWhale for outreach in one click.
Search over 750M+ individual profiles from all major talent networks.
Search profiles by keyword, skills, salary, and more.
Before outreach, access unique data points like candidate current salary, remote suitability, and more.
Get contacts into SourceWhale in one click — for instant outreach or future campaigns.
Find a filter for every candidate characteristic and let our dynamic search work for you.Talent Discovery is our global HR database that helps you to find individual talent that meets your business needs. Search over 750M profiles and resumes by keyword, skill, gender, ethnicity, salary, and more. Plus, access profile URLs, professional and personal emails, and phone numbers.
In Talent Discovery, access data that is not available on a resume or online profile. Before outreach, know if a candidate will be a good fit or not based on current salary, remote suitability, and other exclusive enrichments.
Access company and market insights in Revelio Labs to tailor messaging and targeting.